GIS modelling of intermodal networks: a comparison of two methods

08/2016 - Navarro, M., Gabriel, J., Medianero-Coza, A., & Hilal, I. WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, 146...

GIS modelling of intermodal networks: a comparison of two methods

06/2015 - Moreno-Navarro, J. G., Medianero-Coza, A., & Hilal, I. DOI: 10.2495/UT150381 Conference: Urban Transpor 2015,...

Study of the appropriation of squares in Florianópolis, Brazil

01/2015 - da Luz, G. Y., Heinisch, L. M., Goulart, V., Dorneles, F. L. L. Z., & Ely, V. H. M. B. Urban sustainability:...

The paleotopography through the study of geotechnical surveys

12/2014 - JOSEFINA GARCÍA LEÓN, ANTONIO GARCÍA MARTÍN (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Spain) Presented material ...

The gvSIG as a tool in the health sector: the health map of Mauritania

12/2014 - MERCEDES DE LOS A. RODRÍGUEZ (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain) Presented material ...
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